I’m so glad you’re here! I’m a mother, writer, educator, and community builder based on the Ohlone land known as San Francisco. I write Folkweaver to capture my thoughts on weaving people and stories together at the intersection of connection, creation, community, care and ultimately, co-liberation.

I put my work out as an offering in hopes that together, we can create a new paradigm for how to be in relationship to ourselves, each other, and the planet. Your subscription helps make this work my livelihood and that means the world to me.

Why subscribe?

Yes, you might subscribe to get full access to my writing and podcasts of my favorite pieces. You might also subscribe because you’re thinking, “hell yes all of this,” and want to make sure you never miss an update.

But really, really, you subscribe because you are curious and care about what is broken in the way we are in relationship to ourselves, each other, and this planet, and because you know that together, we can do something collectively to create a microcosm of the world we want to exist—one that centers connection, community, and care.

Vote for this work

This work is my livelihood. Your subscription is a concrete, awesome, tangible way to vote for this work, amplify my voice in this wider conversation, and make this endeavor a sustainable one over here.

Join the community

Together, we’ll work to build countercultural community—to create a microcosm of the world we want to live in. Together, we’ll keep pulling at the threads of what it takes to build a world that centers community, connection, creation, and care and our collective freedom.

Thanks for being here

I don’t take it lightly!

Subscribe to Folkweaver

Exploring what brings us together in connection, creation, and co-liberation by bridging the world as it is and the world as we dream it to be


Mother. Writer. Community Builder. Connection | Community | Co-liberation